Phoenix point update patch notes
Phoenix point update patch notes

phoenix point update patch notes

  • Attacking without a silent weapon reveals the actor if in LOS.
  • Enemies are revealed in 5 tile radius (if they’re in LOS).
  • You will now have a minimum of 12 hours to prepare and respond to an attack on one of your bases.
  • New normal/elite viral machine gun launcher bodypart for Arthrons.
  • New normal/elite acid grenade launcher bodypart for Arthrons.
  • Tritons will be able to use Priest weapons (Viral Weapons).
  • Soldiers will continue to receive SP even at max level making maxing out a souldier possible (it will still take a lot of missions to do so).
  • This will make soldiers levelled solely with training facility less efficient then battle experienced soldiers.
  • Soldiers will gain fewer Skill Points (SP) when they level up (20 down from 50) but will gain 10 SP for every successful mission.
  • Changed the effect of Dynamic Difficulty based on game difficulty (On Easy it will be much more forgiving).
  • These changes mean that the player performance during missions will need to be higher (fewer casualties) for the difficulty to increase.
  • Change the expected outcome in favor of the player.
  • Changed the way mission success/fail is evaluated.
  • Very Hard- The game should end in 3 months ingame.
  • Hard - The game should end in 4 months ingame.
  • Normal- The game should end in 5 months ingame.
  • Easy - The game should end in 6 months ingame.
  • If the player does nothing to stop the pandorans:.
  • We have made changes to the ODI to increase the pressure on higher difficulties.
  • We are adding a difficulty component to evolution progression effectively slowing down Pandoran evolution (encountering elite units) for easier difficulties.
  • The evolution system progression was advancing too rapidly from tactical battles and less from with time - we are changing this to be weighted more towards the time component making the whole progression a bit smoother.
  • Venom Torso Arm Mutation- Changed Damage from 30 to 40 and changed Poisonous from 40 to 50.
  • Uragan MG - Shredding changed from 2 to 3.
  • phoenix point update patch notes

    Athena NS-2 - Paralysing changed from 15 to 20.Gungnir SR-2 - Virophage changed from 60 to 110.Yggdrasil Grenade - Virophage changed from 40 to 60.Hera NP-1 - Paralysing changed from 5 to 7.Subjugator - Viral changed from 6 to 10.Imhullu Grenade - Acid changed from 50 to 20.Marduk’s Fist - Damage changed from 140 to 160.Scion of Sharur - Damage changed from 80 to 100.Dagon’s Tooth - Damage changed from 100 to 120.Ragnarok - Shredding changed from 30 to 40.Destiny III - Damage changed from 60 to 80.Mjolnir Grenade - Shredding changed from 20 to 30.Archangel RL1 - Shredding changed from 5 to 15.

    phoenix point update patch notes

    Thor AML - Shredding changed from 6 to 20.Hailstorm GT - Shredding changed from 2 to 5.Watcher AT - Shredding changed from 2 to 3.Fury-2 - Shredding changed from 4 to 10.Deceptor MG - Shredding changed from 2 to 3.Gemini V - Shredding changed from 4 to 20.Goliath GL-2 - Shredding changed from 4 to 10.Hel II Cannon - Shredding changed from 10 to 20.Purification Grenade - Added 5 Shredding.Odin Grenade - Shredding changed from 3 to 10.Shred for the Pandorans is not increased but this change will affect human enemies. Grenades will now have 10 Shred up from 3. Shred on weapons is increased across the board with notable mentions of Assault Rifles having base shred of 1 so that they are no longer ineffective against armor.Re-adjusted acid values on different items to match the new damage application.This increases the potency of acid by a lot but is still not a one shot mechanic. Acid damage application now works like poison (the acid damage is subtracted from the armor each turn and then the amount of damage is reduced by 10).Release notes for Blood and Titanium will follow later. This patch rolls out across the base game and is not part of, nor does it require the Blood and Titanium DLC. Please find the patch notes for the game balance changes in the March 4th patch.

    Phoenix point update patch notes